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Promoting Unity since 2005

Over the years, KCC Inc. has taken careful steps towards reaching our goal to bring down denominational, racial, economic status, and cultural barriers. The first step was learning which key would unlock which door.

We found that building relationships with other teams by donating and volunteering in their outreach efforts was effective. In doing so, we were able to see their mission and purpose carried out, and found that through collaboration, we could all move forward towards our goal of helping to restore individuals and families.

Kingdom Covenant Connections History

Kingdom Covenant Connections, Inc. (KCC Inc.) held its first Annual Unity Walk Event on September 2, 2006, in Mobile, Alabama, at Spanish Plaza Park located on Government Street. The purpose of this event was to bring public awareness to our mission, which is to promote unity and oneness in families, churches, and communities. In 2008, the event was renamed “The Annual Unity Walk Community Event.”

In 2010, KCC Inc. collaborated with T.C. Bright Productions (Outreach) Ministries to bridge the gaps between generations and cultures through different forms of music and performing arts, creating the second day of the Unity Weekend (Sunday) with “The King of Kings Unity Concert.”

In 2012, KCC Inc. added a Job and Health Fair on Friday to help promote health and wellness, as well as economic development. This weekend is now known as the 3-Day Unity Walk Weekend.

In 2016, the Magnolia Breeze Youth Ensemble Band led the walk, and the City of Mobile became known for hosting the first “Praise Parade.”

In 2018, the Unity Event relocated to Lyons Park due to the growing number of vendors and attendees. Each year, we extend a global invitation to help us transcend denominational, racial, economic status, and cultural barriers, bringing people together in oneness and love. (Psalm 133:1-3)